Unfired Clay Slab Buildings Installation Group Project

Assemblage sculpture based upon the theme of 'Twisted Forms'. Students worked in groups of 4 to develop their own site specific sculpture for the Middle School exhibition. This group stuffed tights with shredded paper.

Assemblage Insects inspired by Bourgeois & Funaki. Photographed, Edited on Photoshop

Assemblage Insects inspired by Bourgeois & Funaki. Photographed & Edited on Photoshop

Assemblage Insects inspired by Bourgeois & Funaki. Photographed, Edited on Photoshop

Assemblage Insects inspired by Bourgeois & Funaki. Photographed, Edited on Photoshop

Assemblage Insects inspired by Bourgeois & Funaki. Photographed, Edited on Photoshop

Woven Cane Sculpture Inspired by Laura Ellen Bacon

Woven Cane Sculpture Inspired by Laura Ellen Bacon

Woven Cane Sculpture Inspired by Laura Ellen Bacon

Woven Cane Sculpture Inspired by Laura Ellen Bacon

Woven Wool Balls. Preparatory task for large scale cane sculpture.

Woven Wool Balls. Preparatory task for large scale cane sculpture.

Installation of Portrait Drawings Inspired by Matthew Monahan

Installation of Portrait Drawings Inspired by Matthew Monahan

Installation of Portrait Drawings Inspired by Matthew Monahan

Installation of Portrait Drawings Inspired by Matthew Monahan

Scraffito Ceramic Coil Pots Inspired by Grayson Perry

Scraffito Ceramic Coil Pots Inspired by Grayson Perry

Reduction Ceramics Inspired by Jean and Claude Christo

Reduction Ceramics Inspired by Jean and Claude Christo

Ephemeral Unfired Clay Sculpture Inspired by Claire Twomey

Ephemeral Unfired Clay Sculpture Inspired by Claire Twomey

Foil and Papier Mache Masks