My GCSE Mock exam projects are structured around the assessment objectives. Students are given a thorough work planner which they are encouraged to use to help increase independence.
Sketchbooks are reviewed weekly in a group check which allows for open constructive dialogue between the students and myself.
Sketchbooks are marked every week and a formative mark and formal comment allow students to be informed about their progress every step of the way.
Individual tutorials are a crucial way to support and develop students ideas. Appropriate artists are identified un these tutorials which encourages students to follow diverse routes and leads to personal outcomes.
Observational drawing, artists analysis and photography form the bread and butter of the investigation towards the exam outcome.
Edexcel GCSE Mock Exams
Exemplar Mock Exam
In 2008, two students from my class were recognised by Edexcel Exam board as being amounghts the top ten candidates out of the 37,000 submitted that year. This is a sample of one of the coursework projects.